The Bureau of Indian Education, Division of Performance and Accountability (DPA) Special Education Program is pleased to share with you the SY 2024-2025 Survey of Parent Involvement in Special Education to support BIE's State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Indicator.

Below please find four documents:

1) Administrator's Letter

2) The Parent's Letter

3) A paper version of the survey for you to share with your school special education program and staff

4) Parent Survey Recorded Webinar. The SY 2024-2025 special education parent survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for use through 2028.

The link for this survey is included within both the administrator and parent letter.

The Parent Survey Recorded Webinar link

The online survey is live and is now open through June 30, 2025, for parents of children with disabilities to complete. For parents of children with disabilities who do not have access to the online survey, they can complete and return the paper version of the survey to your school's special education program.

Thank you