Greetings Students and Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!! As your Principal, I look forward to working closely with you all to make this school year successful.
We will be focusing on three areas this year, and it is my hope that with your help we will be able to achieve our goals:
Our first goal is academic engagement. Ensuring that your child is actively participating in their learning every day is essential. The evidence is clear that high levels of engagement are key to keeping students on track academically and helping them excel in all aspects of school life.
Our second goal is enhancing our Wabanaki studies and integrating our culture into our curriculum. It's crucial that our students understand and connect with their rich cultural heritage. We'll be working to weave Wabanaki history, language, arts, and traditions throughout our lessons, creating a more culturally responsive and enriching educational experience.
The last goal is continuing our focus on Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS). Positive experiences support long-term academic success. School is a place for learning, making new friendships, discovering new interests, and building confidence and self-esteem. It is our mission to provide a safe, respectful, nurturing environment for students to become healthy, responsible, productive citizens.
Parent and community relationships remain vital to our success. Being actively involved in your child's education is essential in developing a strong partnership between home and school. If there is anything going on that you feel may impact your child's success or focus on school, please communicate with your child's teacher, our school counselor, or myself. We are all here to support you and your students.
We also warmly invite community elders, cultural knowledge keepers, and parents to share their expertise and experiences as we deepen our Wabanaki studies program. Your involvement will greatly enrich our students' understanding and appreciation of their heritage.
Enjoy the academic year ahead. If you have any questions about the school, transportation, our Wabanaki studies program, or any of our other initiatives, please feel free to contact me at school.
Molly Newell
Indian Township School