Welcome to our School!

Maine Indian Education provides talented and gifted(TaG) educational services based on the belief that all students should have the opportunity to develop to their fullest extent. A certain percentage of Maine Indian Education's students has a very advanced set of skills that need to be acknowledged and cultivated.

Such skills may fall into one or more categories:

  • intellectual ability

  • creativity

  • academic achievement

  • leadership

  • visual and performing arts


Students in grades Pre-K through grade 2 are monitored through universal screenings, administered three times annually. Students who demonstrate advanced skillsets, (in comparison to their peers), will be provided with enrichment or advanced programming in the regular classroom setting, whenever possible.

Students in grades 3-8, are also monitored through universal screenings and can be nominated by teachers, parents, or themselves.

Characteristics of Talented and Gifted Students:

  • Often offers unusual and unique responses to problems and questions.

  • Puts unrelated ideas together in new and different ways.

  • Is a high-risk taker.

  • Is adventurous and speculative.

  • May be non-conforming.

  • Is individualistic.

  • Does not fear being different.

  • Displays a keen sense of humor.

  • Is self-critical.

  • not motivated by grades.

  • manipulates information.

  • Enjoys self-directed learning.

  • Invents new ways to work with common materials..

Caregiver Referral:

Caregivers can refer their student for consideration for the TaG program by requesting a parent referral form. You will be asked to fill out a checklist and provide any documentation that supports your referral. Referral forms are also available electronically.

Objectives of TaG:

  • The identification of students who demonstrate a capacity for excellence far

    exceeding their peers through a process that begins in second grade.

  • Development of intellect and creativity, visual and performing arts, support of student interests, and guidance in leadership skills and positive self-concepts.

  • The provision of appropriately differentiated services and services options which meet the specific academic, social, and emotional needs of our talented and gifted students.

  • Helping parents nurture their children’s gifts and talents in the home and community in collaboration with our schools and the District.

For more information

please contact:

Diana Mahar

MTSS Coordinator