Here are just a few of the AMAZING things
our IIS Graduates are doing!

Xan Francis (Class of 2022)
Please help us celebrate Indian Island School alumnus, Xan Francis! He was selected to participate in the 2023 Native American Fish and Wildlife Society's National Summer Youth Practicum last July. Words from his dad say it best... "As you can imagine, we were and are extremely proud of Xan for (1) applying for such a program with the help of a recommendation from Ben Simpson, (2) getting his extensive application accepted out of 54 applications of Indigenous highschoolers from around the country, and (3) having his team win with their presentation of a proposed solution to a wildlife management issue, and in turn winning a free trip to the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society's Annual conference in Minnesota next week. I believe they will be presenting their presentation again to the conference attendees. He came away from this program with a totally deeper understanding of traditional wildlife biology and wildlife management, and seeing the connections he made with peers from around Indian Country was invaluable to his growth. He loved every minute of this opportunity."
NAFWS Wildlife Management Challenge
A new element introduced to the National SYP in 2022 is the Wildlife Management Challenge. This challenge includes students divided into groups with the goal of using their knowledge gained from the week’s presentations to develop a wildlife management proposal to present on the final day. A student group was selected by the NAFWS Staff based on the quality of their proposal and presentation to attend the 2024 NAFWS National Conference to present their plan. Figure 6: Student Group hearing that they have won the Wildlife Management Challenge announced by the EC.
If you would like to learn more about Xan's amazing experience, please take a look at the report, this year's agenda, and a short video that was produced during the youth practicum last summer.
Click the Video Below to Learn about Last Year's Youth Practicum!